Imogene and I recently celebrated our 63rd anniversary of marriage.  Now that’s noteworthy of sharing with all of those on our mailing list.  Those numbers were near 300 at one time, but have dwindled to half of that count. Needn’t look for a reason, our love for each and every one hasn’t dwindled.

This update on Imogene and my status, very likely will be our last.  My days are numbered for I have but a few months of life. Prostate cancer is taking its toll.  Imogene and I have been dealing with Mr. Alzheimer’s intrusions.  Imogene suffered two mini strokes and has very minimal resources to communicate, even with me!  Ouch!  However, there is amazing response to my telling her of my love forever.  Inevitably, she responds succinctly with appropriate wordage.  Love is powerful to be sure!

So let’s look at this communiqué as a Good Bye.

Will we ever meet again?  Christ promised that he will return for those who truly have accepted him as their personal savior. There will be a rising from death, where we will have new bodies much like him, and will have found access to the Heavens Gate, and to begin a new journey that consumes us in praising the God Almighty who created each and every one, and all things found on this planet called Earth.  Will we be dressed as Christ?  If we have robes, I hope mine will come with a nail apron.

Will we meet again, knowing each as we do now?  It’s just a guess, but the Bible doesn’t speak of such.


Together Still



Let me hold your hand as we go downhill,

We’ve shared our strength and we share it still.

It hasn’t been easy to make the climb,

But the way was eased by your hand in mine.


Like the lake, our life has had ripples too,

Ill-health, and worries, and payments due,

With happy pauses along the way,

A graduation, a raise in pay.

At the foot of the slope, we will stop and rest,

Look back, if you wish; we’ve been truly blessed,

We’ve been spared the grief of being torn apart

By death, or divorce, or a broken heart.


The view ahead is one of the best,

Just a little bit farther, and then we can rest.

We move more slowly, but together still,

Let me hold your hand as
                                               we go


by Peggy Cameron King




Mom on Dad's sholder 09-12.JPG



Bill passed away on Monday, November 12, 2012 at 2:10 p.m. Arizona time.

In lieu of flowers Bill asked that any donations in his memory go either to the NAU Choral Studies Department, or to some charitable cause you feel will help other people.  Bill always added this phrase to the end of each table grace… “And make us ever mindful of the needs of others.”  For the Choral Sudies Department, go to and enter fund number 4060 in the “Know Your Fund?” “Key Words” box, or send your donation to NAU Foundation, PO Box 4094, Flagstaff, AZ  86011 and specify fund number 4060 on your check.